
Showing posts from February, 2022

Start of our sailing adventure

We’ve finally done it! Welcome to our new home on the water, her name is Muti. We purchased Muti in Hampton VA on 1st December 2021. She is well equipped to make her self sufficient with lots of solar, a lithium battery bank, and water maker. As a backup when the sun doesn’t shine for several days she  has a seemingly large generator. Our ‘car’  is an 11 Ft inflatable with 20hp outboard; plenty of space and power to get us around comfortably. The goal for this spring/early summer is to spend time in the Bahamas doing our shake down cruising but first we have to get some boat maintenance done in Florida.  We spent time cleaning and provisioning before heading south. Passages to Fort Lauderdale: > Fri Jan 7th 2022 - Left  Virginia just before midnight, excited to leave the freezing cold. Gerda was a ‘little’ seasick along the way (30 hrs?)😟 >  Sun Jan 9th 2022 - First stop was Beaufort NC, the trip was about 30 hours around Hatteras which is known to be quite treacherous. It was d